IrmaGPT – numerology

Benoit Gaillard
5 min readJun 10, 2023


I was looking for an innovative way to sign off on a letter and ended up with a crystal ball like numerology prediction!

Prompt: GPT come up with a fun way to cypher my first name Benoit?

Nothing too exciting … it came up with the basic code of associating a number with each letter.



Can you come up with a more interesting way to compose those numbers?

We then tried to calculate the curve than would connect those points, a 5 degree polynomial equation.

GPT warned me many times it could not solved for this. I pushed it to try solving this algebra challenge through Matrix inversion, Laplace interpolation, Least square fitting and Vandermonde Matrix Method. Obviously, GPT came up with each of those methods. I don’t have a clue about the mathematical background behind these recommendations.

GPT processed the calculation every time until it reached a result and proudly announced success. However it never came up with an accurate answer for all 6 parameters!

Following GPT initial recommendation, I shifted to Python and leveraged proven mathematic libraries.

Success from the first go:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# defining the data points
X = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
Y = np.array([2, 5, 14, 15, 9, 20])

# defining the Vandermonde matrix
A = np.vander(X, increasing=True)

# solving for the coefficients
coefficients = np.linalg.solve(A, Y)

# generating x values for the polynomial
x_poly = np.linspace(1, 6, 400)

# generating y values for the polynomial
y_poly = np.polyval(coefficients[::-1], x_poly)

# plot the polynomial
plt.plot(x_poly, y_poly, label='Polynomial fit')

# plot the original data points
plt.plot(X, Y, 'ro', label='Original data')

plt.title('Polynomial Fit')

y = a + bx + cx² + dx³ + ex⁴ + fx⁵


  • a = 26
  • b = -44.65
  • c = 23.875
  • d = -2.91666667
  • e = -0.375
  • f = 0.06666667
Drawing Benoit …

Now the fun part …

Prompt: GPT tell a story out of those numbers.

Let’s imagine these coefficients represent a team of six people working together to achieve a common goal.

The first member, 26, is the leader. He sets the tone and direction, like the constant coefficient in our polynomial equation.

The second member, -44.65, is the strategist. His influence is significant but can often be contradictory, just like the x coefficient in our equation that can reverse the direction of the curve.

The third member, 23.875, is the activator, the one who gets things moving and accelerates progress. It’s like the x² coefficient, which starts to shape the curve of our polynomial.

The fourth member, -2.91666667, is the keeper of balance. His influence may sometimes seem to counter the others, but in reality, he maintains stability and ensures things don’t run away, just like the x³ coefficient that helps keep the curve in check.

The fifth member, -0.375, is the visionary. His influence is subtle but essential in shaping the long-term future, just like the x⁴ coefficient, which influences the shape of the curve in the long term.

Finally, the last member, 0.06666667, is the optimizer. His role might seem minor, but he brings the necessary final adjustments to achieve the goal, just like the x⁵ coefficient, which adjusts the curve to perfectly match our data points.

Prompt: Excellent! Use the relative weight of each parameter to define the relative importance of each behavioral style and conclude on the top 5 strengths of the person described by those numbers.

Alright, based on the absolute values of the coefficients and using the previous interpretation, we can establish a hierarchy of strengths.

Command (26): This behavioral style is clearly dominant. The person is a natural leader who asserts themselves in decision-making and setting the direction.

Strategy (44.65): This strength is also very present. It reflects an ability to see patterns, to plan, and to adapt to changing circumstances.

Activation (23.875): This trait is notable as well, indicating a strong propensity for action, initiative, and getting projects and ideas moving.

Restoration (2.91666667): Although less dominant than the others, this behavioral style has a certain role to play, reflecting a skill in problem-solving and restoring balance.

Maximization (0.375): Despite a relatively lighter weight, this strength has its significance, signaling a propensity to continuously seek improvements and optimize situations.

The “Futuristic” strength (0.06666667) does not appear among the top five, reflecting its relatively lighter weight in this context.

Consequently, this person might be less focused on long-term vision and more on present action, strategy, and problem-solving.

Futuristic actually comes in my top 5 in the StrengthFinder model …

Prompt: revisit how you assess the futuristic dimension. Isn’t Futuristic described by the difference between the last two parameters. If parameter 5 was higher than 6, the curve would tend toward zero. If 5 and 6 were similar, the curve would be flat for x>6. With this in mind, revisit the personality statement.

Futuristic (0.375–0.06666667): Now taking into account the difference between the last two coefficients, this strength becomes more pronounced, suggesting a personality that is always looking towards the future, searching for the next big idea or opportunity.

In this revised assessment, “Futuristic” has gained more prominence. This person could now be described as a proactive and forward-thinking leader, adept at strategy and activation, with an ability to restore balance when necessary. They are not content with the status quo and are always looking to the future for new ideas and opportunities.

Ok IrmaGPT, now we have a match!

Prompt: with this personality in mind, what activity would you recommend to that person who wakes early on a rainy day

Considering the strategic and futuristic strengths, the rainy morning could be an ideal setting for some imaginative world-building. If they’ve ever thought about writing a novel or creating a board game, this could be the perfect time to start sketching out the rules, characters, or plotlines.

If they’re into tech trends, they could use this time to try and build their own simple AI chatbot. There are tons of beginner-friendly resources and tutorials online, and it would be a fun way to challenge their problem-solving skills.

For a physical activity that’s also a bit of a mental challenge, they could set up a mini indoor obstacle course. Moving furniture, plotting the course, and then trying to complete it would engage their activation and problem-solving strengths.

If they’re a foodie, they could attempt to recreate a favorite restaurant dish or a recipe from a different cuisine. The challenge of figuring out the ingredients and method, plus the reward of a delicious meal, could be a satisfying way to start the day.

Lastly, if they’re into arts and crafts, they could try creating a complex origami piece or start a DIY project around the house. This could involve anything from creating homemade decor to upcycling an old piece of furniture.

Remember, it’s all about turning a rainy morning into an opportunity for a mini-adventure!

